Contact Us for a 20 minute complementary
Convergence Consultation
to see if we are the right fit for you!
Below are our programs that are customized to extract your best efforts for permanent, healthy lifestyle changes.

Our Transformational Programs

  • 4-Week Perseverance Course

    Goal: To learn about your health and start you on your path toward lifestyle change.
    This short but intensive 4-week course will begin with assessing where you are, identifying health habits to change, work on time management and scheduling, and implementing a balanced health and wellbeing program with a focus on introducing discipline, accepting challenges, and persevering.

  • 12-week lifestyle conversion course

    Goal: To make a total lifestyle change that prioritizes your health and fosters the determination to sustain a continuous journey.
    Piggy-backing off of the 4-Week Perseverance Course, this course extension teaches that habit changes takes at least 2 months to overwrite and adapt. Here, you will face setbacks that will not only require perseverance, but trust and faith as well. We will also look at your journey more holistically, introducing additional helpful guidance.

  • Sustainment Retainer

    Goal: To walk with you along your journey and be a consistent guide and coach on a monthly basis.
    Whether off the back-end of our courses or independent of them, we can be here for the long-term, if that is what you need. Changes both inside and around you will have an affect on your health and wellness journey, and we can help by staying in touch for agreed-upon periods, maintaining and improving your journey month after month.

  • Athletic Lifestyle Training

    Goal: To improve and sustain your athletic, sports, and/or fitness lifestyle as your body or life changes over time.
    Whether you want to improve in a specific sport, or just want to level-up your body management lifestyle, we can develop a fitness program based on our 7 essential classifications of physical activity, and an evidence-based nutrition program that promotes energy and muscle rebuilding, and limits pain or injury. This program may require additional outside consultation.

  • Couples, Families, & Small Groups

    Goal: To increase personal accountability and leadership skills by working together with other like-minded persons within your sphere of influence.
    The phrase “You can’t do it alone” takes on even more relevance when it comes to the friction and headwinds you WILL face when working on your self-improvement. Having someone else with you in support of your journey increases your chance of success exponentially. That’s why “Networking” is one of our 10 guiding principles.

  • Organizations

    Goal: To help individuals achieve lifestyle change within an organization, which in turn increases productivity or participation that helps make the organization better.
    Similar to small group networking in approach, the organizational wellness approach involves more team oriented activities and ties them into incentive or leadership programs. These are usually highly customized efforts, yet the goals is the same - to help individuals with lifestyle change.

Contact us for more information and program pricing.

All programs include one assessment analysis & MOTIVATION Method review, along with weekly meetings, and will likely include additional two-way email or text communications.

3LIFE accepts Visa, MC, Discover & AMEX using Square
We also accept cash, check, Venmo or Zelle

Unfortunately, 3LIFE LLC cannot guarantee results or outcomes, and all sales are final.
All clients must also sign our
Waiver of Liability prior to beginning any program.