Personal Growth

Ascension with integrity and
achievement through planning and productivity

Having a Sense of Agency, Autonomy, & Self-Efficacy

Have you ever noticed the “legal” fine print on any health related advertising always disclaim that their program works along with a diet and exercise program, and that “individual results may vary”. They say that because becoming healthy the right way is challenging, and they know most people will not follow through. The reason for this is that people are at different levels of personal agency (having control over the mind and of actions) and autonomy (the ability to self-govern), which affects their self-efficacy, the internal confidence (or doubt) that they can achieve their goals.

Once we accept that sustaining good health throughout our life is arguably the most challenging of all personal endeavors, then we must also accept and embrace the journey of personal change and growth. Remember, if it were easy, everyone would do it. At 3LIFE Wellness, we can help guide you in the right direction by helping you find your “why”, and can help you strategize and tactically deliver on initiatives that will keep you consistently mindful of your health and get you positive results!

Don’t believe us? Then believe actor Denzel Washington -

Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.
— Denzel Washington

Thinking Ahead for A Better Life

The first step in personal growth and development is to have agency over your mind and to shape and hone your long-term mission, or your “why”. Our minds are hardwired to prioritize our daily survival. They seek the short-term ease and rewards of immediate gratification - comfort and pleasure, pain avoidance, and energy conservation - which makes it challenging to think and plan ahead for the long-term. It’s like playing chess with a checkers mindset. Visit our Mind and Motivation page and also review our MOTIVATION Method to understand better how your subconscious mind can hijack you and how you can fight back to create that sense of agency you need to progress effectively in life.

Mission defines strategy, and strategy defines structure.
— Peter Drucker, Management Innovator

Strategies & Execution

The second step after understanding your current state, developing your “why”, accepting change, building self-efficacy and intention for action is to create goals, establish plans, and drive the execution of those plans in order to build and sustain your own personal lifestyle journey.

Overcoming & Changing Bad Habits

In order to make positive lifestyle changes, we must first recognize the habits that are hampering progress. Habits are ingrained behaviors that are usually stimulated by immediate or short-term rewards that make us act impulsively (like buying sweets in the checkout lane), and are literally hardwired in our brains as neural pathways and are controlled subconsciously by our brain’s Reticular Activating System (RAS). So making new habits that overtake the old ones takes time, patience, trust, and dedication to overcome the temptation to stay the course. You also need a personal and social support system that you can rely on to keep you self-motivated and accountable.

The Pen is Mightier than the Smartphone

At 3LIFE Wellness, our operating system and strategic methodology is our MOTIVATION Method guiding principles, which is based upon our science-based philosophy featuring our 5 Keystone Wellbeing Attributes. But when it comes to execution, nothing works better than getting everything written down on paper early on in your health journey. From your mission statement to your goals, from your action items to your tracking and assessments, writing things down old-school with pen and paper, and organizing your data and thoughts in a personal notebook is invaluable to your success. And although it may be difficult for non-notetakers to adapt to this level of structure, it will pay off down the road, and you will be able to progress without as much writing.

But why, you ask, on paper when there are so many apps out there? Apps are great for database information, and we do make recommendations on digital methods. But for establishing the grit and tenacity it takes to make the big changes, it takes a modality that works best with your brain’s ability to retain and recall information in a timely and efficient matter, and to have a library of personal information on physical record that you can review and analyze without the visual restrictions of an app and smartphone.

Let us help guide you to the personal methodologies that will work best for you. It may take some learning, changes, and some faith and trust, but adapting will help you create a more holistic system that ensures sustainable lifestyle change!

3LIFE documents

Behavior Change Progression

Contact us.

Let’s connect to discuss how we can help guide you toward your goals and help you sustain a healthy lifestyle!
(574) 850-7370 Greg Mackey, President 3LIFE LLC