Organizational Wellness

Helping Build Healthy Organizations by
Helping to Build Healthy People

All For One and One For All

Nurturing healthy symbiotic teams includes the health and wellbeing of each individual, whose contribution is fundamental to sustaining a constructive and productive organizational. Organizational Wellness is about “ethos”, the characteristic spirit of a culture or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.

Why Go It Alone"?

It has been shown that nearly 88% of individuals who make a health related goal and attempt to change poor habits fail after about six weeks. Not only that, but fear of failure breeds failure, which breeds self doubt, which adds stress, which can lead to depression.

However, having an accountability partner that you can count on will swing the odds in your favor by almost 50%. And the more likeminded people with similar goals that you bring into your circle, the better those odds get from there. And this is true in reverse. YOU also help others as you become accountable and keep them accountable too! Which is why if you are a part of an organization, you already have the networking structure in place, and everyone wants to be healthy!

Less than 50% of U.S. workers strongly believe their organization cares about their wellbeing. - Gallup

Which is why curating a symbiotic team that nurtures the wellbeing of each participant within a collaborative atmosphere is foundational to sustaining a constructive organizational ethos. This organizational symbiosis has benefits that are present in social and collaborative settings that are much harder to achieve individually. We call them,

Organizational Benefits “PACKS”

  • Productivity - Peak health for physical and mental acuity

  • Accountability - Network support for personal & team

  • Cohesiveness - Having common ground & building relationships

  • Knowledge - Awareness & understanding from team curiosity

  • Sustainability - Continuous improvements in lifestyle relationships

3LIFE Integration with Organizational Programs

Nobody, not even medical experts, can compel others to make healthy changes in their lives. They can only guide them to a point where they will hopefully become self-motivated, because an individual will only take action when their mind first approves it. Which is why it takes a definitive decision first, in order for the action-response to follow.

And therein lies a problem with many workforce wellness programs-they lack health and wellness knowledge, and thus find it hard to discover the root causes of why people struggle with their own personal health and wellbeing. So these companies tend to adapt standard H/R based employee incentivization models in an attempt to motivate, which is not a sustainable model for long-term personal lifestyle changes.

At 3LIFE Wellness, we recognize the pitfalls and roadblocks that get in the way, and have developed ten guiding principles, called The MOTIVATION Method, which increases personal health awareness and provides an action methodology that allows an individual the best chance at successful lifestyle change.

We work closely with key personnel to integrate our methodology and programs into an organization’s current culture, and will work to provide the best possible outcomes given any logistical or systemic issues.

Types Of Organizations

we work with >

  • Businessess & institutions that hire employees & are departmentally managed.

  • Learning based training for primary or secondary health education support.

  • Organizations that coalesce around causes or specific hobbies or interests.

  • Mixing practical physiological and mental consultations with a spiritual component.

  • Working with primary care programs on preventative care initiatives for staff and patients.

  • Exposing vulnerable senior communities to the benefits of healthier options to improve immune & musculoskeletal systems.

  • Creating programs that gather renters together & utilizing community resources for programs.

Six Social Constructs Affecting Personal Behavior

Contact us.

Let’s connect to discuss how we can help guide you toward your goals and help you sustain a healthy lifestyle!
(574) 850-7370 Greg Mackey, President 3LIFE LLC