Fitness & Exercise

Exercise is king, and nutrition is queen. Together you have a kingdom.
— Jack LaLanne

Yes, it’s true. It is possible to lose weight by dieting only, and not doing any exercise. But anyone giving you that advice is not telling you the whole story, and frankly is potentially doing you a disservice. And here’s just five reasons why -

  1. Without additional calories being burned off with exercise, it will take longer to lose weight, making it harder to stay on a diet, and easier to just quit altogether.

  2. Exercise also suppresses appetite inducing hormones like ghrelin, while activating appetite suppressing hormones like leptin and peptide-YY.

  3. Dieting primarily affects the build-up or reduction of fat cells (adipose tissue). Whereas exercise has a more direct effect on the improvement of other human body systems.

  4. Dieting alone does not strengthen and improve your muscles, your joints, your bones, your heart and lungs, and your immune systems, it also takes exercise.

  5. Exercise reduces the chances of getting chronic pain, and can significantly reduce acute and chronic pain and injury recovery times and severity.

Make sure you review our “Weight Management” and “Body Management” pages for more details, and of course you get one COMPLEMENTARY 20 minute “Convergence Consultation” to see if we are the right fit for YOU!

But I HATE Exercise! It’s so hard and painful!

That’s it! Talk yourself out of it before you even try!

A vast majority of adults have either preconceived notions about exercise from observations, or have tried exercising before themselves, and at some point found a reason to stop. And because of our mind’s “negativity bias”, we associate exercise, not with fun and achievement, but with pain and difficulty, self-doubt, and to pile on, we do comparative analyses (seeing that perfect body on instagram and thinking there’s no way!).

Take on the Challenge!

But there IS a way! And we are here to help guide you! but first you must begin to turn those negative, unmotivating thoughts and reinforcing words into words that inspire hope, faith, trust, and personal determination. And the first way to do that is to convert the words “hard”, “impossible”, “difficult” into the word “challenging”. Then read Greg’s published article below on learning to love the challenge , and review our MOTIVATION Method guiding principles.

Because it is in the challenge itself that changes the person within.
— Gregory Mackey

Contact Us for a 20 minute complementary
Convergence Consultation
to see if we are the right fit for you!

For your Fitness

Taking Charge with 3LIFE Coaching >

  • We’ll have you answer confidential and comprehensive nutrition, physical activity, wellness questionnaires, and do a body composition analysis so we can define your journey’s starting points. We will also work with your healthcare provider as needed too.

  • Your health should always be your top priority. If it’s not, then we will help you shift your mindset, find your “why”, and help you become more determined and trustful, so you can persevere.

  • We’ll help you cut through the clutter so you can get a comprehensive overview of exercise, what types you need given your current state and goals, and more importantly how to exercise effectively and safely.

  • It’s very difficult, especially if you are new to fitness, to go it alone. There’s too much to learn, and you’ll need help from others to keep you motivated, and you may wind up being part of a team!

  • There are a lot of fitness and sports that can become your centerpiece activity that is fun for you. Is it bowling? Archery? Running? Group fitness?

  • Rolling up the sleeves, and getting everything down on paper in a structured and cohesive way, then following up intention with action!

  • Inconsistency is a health and fitness killer. Starting and stopping makes the journey harder and susceptible to quitting. However, adopting an athlete's training mentality creates a consistent and holistic pattern of behavior that breeds success.

How To Get Ahead by Learning to Love the Challenge!

An article by Greg Mackey
Published in Eat Smart, Be Well - Summer 2021

What is it that drives people to achieve great endeavors, like climbing Mt. Everest, with so many odds stacked against them? You may not be ready to summit Mt. Everest (yet), but you also have it within you to achieve things that you never thought were possible. There is a secret to achieve great things, and Greg’s article is spilling the beans! Check it out! …

Our 7 Essential Classifications of Physical Activity

Contact us.

Let’s connect to discuss how we can help guide you toward your goals and help you sustain a healthy lifestyle!
(574) 850-7370 Greg Mackey, President 3LIFE LLC