
88% of all health related goals fail after six weeks. So why is it that? The truth is, we allow our minds to hijack us and stop us from achieving, often without even knowing it!

That’s because our brains prioritize our lives into two predominant purposes at the expense of all others; to ensure our daily survival, and to pass our genes on to the next generation. This is true for all living things. So most of what we do involves living “in the moment”, and are subject to a life of impulsive decisions and behaviors that are based more upon our perceived immediate needs instead of a more planned lifestyle.

So how do we break out and overcome these strong built-in neural drivers so that we can achieve more and become the best that we can be for the long term? We can help you find out how, with -

the motivation method!

Guidelines for releasing the personal power within

We’ve been there, and we understand.

The MOTIVATION Method is our exclusive science & research-based methodology at 3LIFE, and is the framework for all of our health & wellness consultations. It is also a roadmap for you, our client, that introduces ten essential guiding principles that, if aware, understood, and followed, will allow you a much better opportunity for achievement and long term success. We cannot guarantee your success, only YOU can do that. But we can give you guidance for self-motivation and the tools to achieve your goals!

Below is a glimpse of our ten essential principles: