Body Management
Your body is a complicated symphony of systems working in concert with themselves to stay balanced. And you are the conductor who will determine how well they work together.
Isn’t Body Management and Weight Management the Same?
Weight management is primarily focused on energy metabolism and calories, whereas body management is much more holistic, necessitating more targeted involvement with our many human body systems.
However, the two are not mutually exclusive. Weight management also relies on optimizing body systems to work efficiently and harmoniously as well. Which is why we often coach the two in tandem.
Understanding Your “healthspan” & Why it is So Important
Advances in primary health care are helping people live longer, but not necessarily with better quality of life. After all, pills, shots, and surgeries only go so far. Did you know that the average life expectancy, or lifespan, has fallen for the first time in the U.S. nearly 3 years from almost 79 years old down to just over 76 years since January of 2020? There are many reasons for this, including of course the COVID pandemic and the rise of younger deaths from drug overdoses and violence. However, there is a correlation between the root causes of most premature deaths, and how someone treats their health throughout their life. It is no secret, for instance, that those who die from getting COVID-19 are primarily people with comorbidities (diseases), most often caused by obesity, which causes chronic inflammation, wreaking havoc on immune systems and slowing or impairing effective immune responses.
Recently, a new statistic has been recognized in the health industry, and it is called “healthspan”, which is how many years we remain in a healthy state, free from disease or disability. Often compared in tandem with the lifespan, the “Healthspan Gap” is the period in life where a healthy state gives way to morbidities and physical or mental disabilities until life ends. The goal is to have as long a healthspan as possible with as short a healthspan gap as possible. And hey, the longer the healthspan, the longer the lifespan! Currently and unfortunately, however, the average healthspan is only 66 years of age.
So what can be done to improve our overall quality of life?
The answer lies in an understanding of the roles and importance of our human body systems, how they are interdependent, and what we can do to keep them in peak performance and in harmony with each other to keep our total body in balance (homeostasis). At 3LIFE Wellness, we can help assess your current state and formulate a program that sets you on a path towards a high-quality long “healthspan”, no matter your age!
9 Body Systems You Can Improve for Better Health
Contact us.
Let’s connect to discuss how we can help guide you toward your goals and help you sustain a healthy lifestyle!
(574) 850-7370 Greg Mackey, President 3LIFE LLC